4 thoughts on “Contact Information/ Social Media Platforms

  1. Hi Steven, I love this concept. Music is one of my great passions. Therefore, I’m glad to see someone is exploring this art via this way. Bravo to you. I’ll be following yr work.
    P.S. Thanks for following my blog.


  2. Dear MusicClub intelligentisia, 🙂
    Today I found out i had 100 crazy followers & you are one of my personal favourites. & that made me smile as I am not very important or clever person. It’s also Valentine’s Day in this part of the universe. SO I thought i’d write and say a huge thank you personally for your support and for finding some interest in my thoughts and what i write. And as its valentines day, i hope you find yourself surrounded by pleasure and fun and lots of crazy happy love! from one human to another! 🙂

    Thank you,


  3. Hello, CliffsofDover123! You remain my one and only follower to this day, and I’m sorry it took me so long to get in touch with you and acknowledge that. Well, at this point my blogs pretty much document the strange state-of-mind I was in last December, and I thought I’d just stop because I felt I went a bit overboard with various controversies, filthy language, way-too-personal admissions of personal things that I probably shouldn’t be publishing on the “inter-twang,” as I like to call it, etc. I’ll probably keep posting here again, because I feel like sticking my nose out on the Ethernet again, but I just wanted you to know I started yet another blog on WordPress – http://koolaris.wordpress.com – but it’s pretty much just the same old thing. I’m not really sure why I started a second one, and now I am wondering how I am going to balance the two. This one seems to get more hits, although I am now promoting both to get more reads/views/visitors. Anyway, I am hard at work preparing new thoughts right now, but I promise you I will check out your page(s) at length sometime this week when I “need a break from myself,” OK? How are things in the U.K.? Are you a football fan? My favorite sport is hockey. Rush is my favorite band, but I like all kinds of music and I feel I will probably learn a thing or two from your blogs and links and I will check out your music, too. THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

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